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Welcome to the matrix

Writer's picture: John BrandtJohn Brandt

Sit down and buckle up, cully, we’re going on a journey: 

No matter what you think about the AI slop—which has seeped into and soiled SEO (good riddance, if’n you ask me, as I’ve been a loud critic over giant corporations like HubSpot training interns who are allergic to thinking, on how to game the system and write fluffpiece articles that help nobody, yet ranks as the #1 search result for important queries, which, in my correct, yet controversial opinion, began the demise of the internet I grew up on loving), has been the #1 “hot button” topic for make money online shysters, has been one of the biggest worries amongst non-copywriting freelance writers (who AI crushes because journalists and other such non-copywriting freelance writers ain’t, gasp, as good as they pretend to be), or whatever way that AI has changed your life or business in the past year or so—AI is here to stay. 

At least for now. 

And for the foreseeable future. 

In fact, when Zuck spoke the other day and said Meta would go full MAGA (aka allowing free speech on their platform for the first time since the early days and getting rid of their very-obviously-biased “fact checkers”), he also said something eerie: 

He expects AI users to be a big trend for Meta and Facebook over the coming years. 

Mayhap you remember back a few years ago when Zuck announced his weird plans for a digital world—and how Meta would lead that charge. 

I don’t know if he’s still committed to this matrix-style digital enslavement by social media idea he had a few years back… but if so, the AI users flooding his social media platforms is the first step in that direction. Especially since the public was taken aback by his plans of matrix-style digital enslavement. 

Yeah, we might already be in that matrix thanks to these tech nerds. 

The internet used to be a holy place: Nothing was real, yet everything was. There was a world of knowledge available at your very fingertips. Then smartphones came out, and you always had this knowledge with you. 

But that ain’t the case no mo’. 

And it hasn’t been the case since at least 2016, and probably before that. 

Whether it was corporate behemoths like Google altering search itself: Letting other corporate behemoths game the system with drivel and fluff, artificially hiding any opinions with the wrong political beliefs (they even do this with Gmail - in fact, and you might wanna sit down for this one, but Gmail recently got caught with sending 77.2% of right-wing politicians’ emails to spam, compared to just 10.12% of left-wing candidates), and just generally decreasing the quality, usefulness, and helpfulness of content on the internet… 

…Or if it was all the social media platforms coming together (B.E., or Before Elon) to ban anyone for anything (which really just came down to, once again, having the wrong political belief)... 

…to the proliferation of AI and other geeky tech tactics like SMS (I now get at least two stupid texts per day from companies I don’t care about), chatbots, AI help desks, sneaky data dumps, the list goes on and on… 

The internet just ain’t what it used to be. 

And that internet of yesteryear ain’t coming back - at least not soon. Not with Zuck publicly announcing that he plans to fill the empty voids of Facebook with AI users who interact with both humans and other AI users. 

We’re in a quick race into the matrix, if we ain’t there already. 

That’s the bad news. 

The good news?

For the good news, we turn back to a great human for his even greater insight:

Sir Isaac Newton, and specifically, his Third Law of Motion:

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

And we’re starting to see that opposite reaction now. 

There’s never been more pent-up demand for humanity. For beings with a soul. For writing that isn’t just “technically good” (as most AI drivel classifies as), but for writing that is emotionally pungent. And, of course, writing that leads to sales .

And, yes, this includes your very customers, many of which would pay you simply for having the cajones to be human.  

That gives us an advantage in this race to enslavement we’re all so eXcItEd to be in. 

Or maybe it t’won’t. 

Who knows. 

But as long as you have something good to offer to someone else? 

Methinks you’ll be fine. 

Humanity ain’t going nowhere. At least not yet. 


Mayhap the best way to protect your business (and mayhap even your very freedom) from AI slop and downright digital enslavement… 

Is by writing and sending more entertaining, more informative, and yes, more profitable emails. 

Hit reply if you wanna implement a human-based email strategy in your business. 



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and get a free copy of my book... 
The 6-Figure
Profit First Emails 
Product Launch System 
(sells for $47.97 on Amazon) 

As well as regular email tips on sending more profitable emails and building a stronger bond with your customers. 

©2021 John Brandt.

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